Less Rain Berlin Mitte 1920
Less Rain Berlin Mitte Future


Rebuilding the Berlin city center


Stiftung Berlin Mitte


_ Communication ideas

_ Logo and Corporate Design


_ Event communication

Design Refresh for
Berlin-Mitte Foundation

The historic centre of Berlin, the former heart of the city, has vanished. After being largely destroyed during Word War II, most of the centre has not been rebuilt in its original layout, but instead replaced by modern communist architecture: pre-fab high-rise buildings along multi-lane roads and wide-open empty spaces.

The “Stiftung Berlin Mitte” (Berlin Mitte Foundation) advocates bringing back the dense urban quarters of the past, with its attractive streets and small squares, and a mix of modern and historic architecture. They favour the urban layout of the 1920’s not just for nostalgic reasons, but to create a livelier environment where Berliners can dander, meet and linger.

Less Rain Stiftung Mitte Philosophie
Less Rain Colours
Less Rain Colours
Less Rain Stiftung Mitte Typeface

Mitte Fest Event Communication

“Mitte-Fest” is a 3-day festival in the area of the former historic centre, organised annually by the Mitte foundation. The aim is to educate about the past of Berlin’s heart, and to engage and involve Berliners in discussions about its future. Guided tours, panel discussions, as well as food and entertainment await visitors throughout the area.

As a first implementation of the new identity, Less Rain created communication materials for the event.

Past, current and future architecture and spaces were visualised, overlapping each other in time and space, creating a sense of history mixed with development and progression. Away from being stuck in or wanting back into a long lost past, they reveal the constant shaping and re-shaping of an ever-evolving city.

Alongside a flyer was produced, detailing the schedule of the 3-day event as well as informing visitors about the foundation and its goals.

Less Rain Berlin Mitte Communication Design
Less Rain Stiftung Mitte Design 0001 Communication 2
Less Rain Flyer Design Clean

Berlin Mitte

und heute.

Stiftung Mitte Berlin

Für das Herz der Stadt

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